To be inspired is like buying everything you think you will need based on what you think, or picture yourself needing before you even start the job. Also, ladies think of spending 4 hours getting ready for your man who takes you to McDonalds. The excitement of what could be doing rarely ever turns out to be what is expected. Just do your job and maybe after 6 months you’ll realize, huh, “maybe I need more sticky notes.” You have actually been in the position for a while now. You know what to expect. You have a feel for the culture at your job. Maybe a suit is too much, maybe just a sweater vest, nice button up. Comb over your hair, new bottle of hand sanitizer because you’re a fucking serial killer that is afraid of germs and human contact. You get to the next step and your progression continues to the corporate office. Nice suit, ties, socks, whatever tickles ya. Point being inspiration never really got you to where you wanted to be. Just the ability to choose did. Knowing the process of how to apply when the opportunity came into focus. You saw your shot when it was announced the position would be open. You went for it.
To inspire is defined as: fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Crazy to think that you are working somewhere right now, and you have been there for longer than necessary because you have never even known what was next. You feel trapped in the assembly line. You feel trapped because you don’t know how to compete. The position is not important. You may be an assembly worker; you may be one of the top execs at your firm. Gunning for a partnership or even your own branch. Don’t think this will be easy, just know that time cannot be stopped and more importantly it is where you want to be. We all have a constant want to be in a position higher than where we are. Some are content but those who want to move forward just need to keep wanting. If you are constantly needing to be inspired to get up and go to work. It is possible you may not even want it. Ladies think of inspiration like a 1st date. You spend 3 hours on hair and makeup when 30 min will take his breath away. It’s unnecessary and can even be damaging. Bangov Actual, out.