Interpretation is a funny thing. It works at 2 speeds. You go 10 miles per hour through a school zone, or you will be going 80 mph through red lights. You either gain a sense of perspective through someone else speaking to you about what you already know but couldn’t rationalize or verbalize yourself. Or you’re screaming and your hairs on fire because you just need the world to go faster. Interpretation is defined as: the act of explaining or making something clear. To those who were not aware, it does not mean how you interpret something in your mind. It is how you are able to teach another of how you understand it. Verbalizing something such as how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich can be as complicated as taking 2 pieces of bread and putting peanut butter on one slice, taking the second slice and applying jelly. Then taking those 2 pieces and putting them together. To go further we ask ourselves what jelly is and want to know the breakdown of jelly as well as peanut butter to better understand why they go good together, and the history of how they ended up on 2 slices of bread. Why not French bread, or tortillas? I am not telling people how to enjoy pb and J. I’m just saying Wonderbread is the worst bread to put it on, and if you do, you’re going to hell. IN MY OPINION.
That is just my understanding and the only way for me to communicate to you. Bangov Actual out.