Today is a new day. Yesterday there may have been a storm. May have been things broken, or even damaged beyond repair. Start to rebuild anew and you will be forever grateful that you did not give in to your fears. Life’s only consequences are the ones that you create inside your mind. Control, control, control. Dictator is defined as: a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force. The only time you will ever hear me advocate for a dictatorship is within yourself. Nobody should be in control of you, your happiness or how you choose to live. Yes, that even means your own spouse has no control over your state of mind or wellbeing. The right to choose is something nobody will ever take away from you. Choose to be positive, daring, and those who have not chosen themselves, may either follow or be dismissed (allowed to leave).
Many will shatter at the thought of disappointing others. You cannot please everyone. You can barely please yourself and you worry about whether you have hurt someone’s feelings. Dictate how you want to live and dictate how you want to feel every day. Doing that, why wouldn’t you want to be positive? Bangov Actual, out.