Are you willing to put in the time necessary? Or are you just going to watch as opportunities pass you by. You can’t grab onto all the opportunities. Why not do 10 different jobs? You’ll never go anywhere, or you’ll go so slow in your many pursuits that you will feel as if you are standing still. Have a ton of knowledge, and you may even be able to have some fun doing different things. Problem is, to be proficient in something you have to do that one thing over and over again. Not 10 different things. Kind of like college when they tell you, you must do the prerequisites in order to be well rounded. Sounds more and more like bullshit the more you say it in your head. So don’t waste your time worrying about if this is the right career for you. Do what you’re passionate about. Pick one, because in 6 months you may not “feel” passionate about it anymore. Remember that you were, and you may just find what you were looking for in the first place. Also, you will be farther into your career and more understanding about why you chose what you chose in the first place. As I have said motivation is a sucker’s drug, you can be motivated for about 20 min and go back on your decision. So don’t decide your motivation to go left or right. Weigh options, who are you? What are your passions based on evidence of what you’ve done in the past? Motivations come and go, passion which is defined as: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. Sometimes you will love, and sometimes you will hate what you are doing, just as a relationship is with a person, son, daughter, spouse, brother, sister. It being a lifetime commitment it has gradually only gotten stronger unless you have given up entirely. So, choose, and then create the relationship.
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