Giving up on your dreams. Quitting, I think about it allll the time. I don’t because that is the fundamental point of what Bangov is. To remain within the game of pursuit. If you don’t have a pursuit, or something you’re chasing then you’re just existing. That shit is boring. You can be the smartest, gone to all the fancy schools. Even have had all the knowledge on a particular subject. What strikes me as odd is that still those who have a degree still suffer with purpose. Still suffer with a pursuit that enables them to be able to feel fulfilled. Of course it is not about the size of the bank account number, but very seldom do I hear people say that they love what they do. If we are to look deeper within ourselves, the only push that I am willing to bet is that in which the people you surround yourself with are just not getting you to where you want to go. Or maybe you haven’t asked the question. Ask and you shall receive is still a real thing. So even if it annoys, ask.
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