I’m just a guy who had a vision. Between covid, politics, and everyday struggles. I knew solutions were not within government hands. Didn’t matter who the president was, it did not matter if everyone was vaccinated, it did not matter how many government assistance programs were available until people started to realize that the keys to their happiness had everything to do with how they represented themselves as individuals. Even if you are married, you are still an individual. Maybe you’re with the wrong one. Maybe you were someone when you got married. Who you want to be is still in there and maybe it conflicts with the person you chose. As an individual I am constantly struggling trying to bring something alive in me. I am sure everyone else is struggling as well. Choices are hard. Interestingly enough it is not hard for a lot of people to make a decision, like get a shit job, and be paid a shit salary. So let us look at it in a different perspective. What if we are to see it as a job where you hate your job, but make a lot of money. Money doesn’t become a reason for doing something. Then to see it as the opposite. You love your job, but don’t make a lot of money. So you have to make the choice to yourself of what is most important to you? Loving your job or making that money? Decisions you make must be looked at from 2 or more angles in order to determine what is important to you, and what road to take. Of many, you must be honest with yourself. Is money important to you? If so then you must do something, or be able to create something that maybe you can have a bit of both. See where your compromises are and focus on those. Compromise is defined as: an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. Gotta ask both of yourselves. The dreamer, and the realist, where you both are going to meet in the middle. Just know this is one of those lifetime commitments. Doesn’t matter how rich, how old, decisions will haunt you till the end of time so suck it up buttercup, figure your life out. Maybe put down that heroin needle, or not, I personally don’t care. If you’re still a functioning member of society then good for you. For those of you who don’t have an addiction and you’re still a piece of shit then well you need to unfuck yourself. Just remember all those celebrities, rock stars, government officials, who so eloquently like to enforce or create laws. All of these kinds of people are rich or successful and they do drugs. Hell if we as a people elect officials who are child molesters, I mean COME ON, literally nobody is standing in your way of you making your own decisions in life. Trust yourself to decide your reality. Just remember to keep your friends close, and your kids away from politicians. Bangov Actual, out.
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