I’m reminded that for some people, there is not much growing up after a certain age. Having a 6 year old tell you that kids are being mean to you, and that they tell him they are smarter than him. Crazy to think even as adults we do that now in our own indirect ways. People always forget in the battle of right and wrong, that perspective is not going to change a person’s experiences, way of life or how they were brought up. It is a complete psychological experience that you have to put them through in order to change their mind. If culturally, or religiously they are bound by what they have been taught or believe then don’t waste your time trying to convince them that no God exists, or that their culture got it wrong. This comes from a feeling of deep hate and is likely to just make you an enemy. To communicate with someone of a different perspective, what’s most important is the willingness to communicate. A genuine approach that you wish to communicate with someone regardless of each other’s differences. If someone notices that it is not your way of life that offends them, but with conversation can come a compromise. You will be seen as either a friend, or even someone that would just be waved to passing by on the street. In my opinion that is much better than the enemy. To demonize is defined as: portray as wicked and threatening. I have mentioned demonizing an individual, or groups of people a lot in past blogs. To demonize is so quick of a reaction for some it is almost an indefinite response within a few seconds that no hope of a friendship, or even just to be cordial with one another exists. Cordial is defined as: warm and friendly. We do this based on first impressions. Be aware that impressions are defined as: an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence. Still remind yourself of the little evidence you may have on this person. If it is someone you’re a coworker, and choose to not associate with, eh fuck em. If it is someone your child is bringing to meet you. Maybe impressions will have to be built over time. An understanding that this individual may be weird or just have a lot of energy. Nonetheless the importance of that person to someone else makes you see past a lot of flaws and be more accepting. Just remember people have their layers, these layers are reasons for doing certain things, whether they are about telling you they are smarter than you, or may be mean to you. The only thing that matters is how you react to them, and showing how little that bothers you. Bangov Actual, out.
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