It is a love hate relationship, mostly hate, but when people tend to think that socialism is going to be funded by an organization known as the “government.” It is almost like they think it is going to be funded by something that does not affect them. Walmart, Tesla, or any other billion-dollar industry does not want to pay for your college. Does not want to pay for your medical bills. UNLESS you are of some benefit to them. I don’t mean you came out of your mommy, and you just exist. Nobody gets paid for existing. You have very little right told a company what they should and should not pay for simply because you take up oxygen. You haven’t built anything; you haven’t contributed in any way despite what your mommy tells you. You’re not special, you just like all the others wanting free things from the government must realize that you are paying for it whether you like to or not. Government does not survive without a people taxed to provide its wealth.
These people in the video live in a fantasy world. They live in a very entitled world. People who don’t want the responsibility of investing in their own future. It should be paid for by other people, or government because they are so out of touch to realize government doesn’t just have money like big businesses. Government is not a business. They don’t have a product; they don’t have anything to offer you. They pull other companies and give them your money in order to create products that are needed. You think tanks are made in the White House? NOO! (Article here)
“The Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, has been building Army tanks and armored vehicles since World War II. It nearly ceased tank production in 2012 under the drastic “sequestration” cuts, but it now produces about 11 tanks a month and employs a growing workforce of 580.”
It has been tried and failed more than once. I guess we will just have to remind people that socialism, communism, Marxism is just another ideology for the enslavement of another by an overreaching government. Bangov Actual out.