When we think of the rights as individuals, we think of the right to free speech, keep and bear arms. We think of civil rights that are considered inalienable. Inalienable is defined as: unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor. What is rarely spoken about as common knowledge now is the freedom of choice. Almost like there is an agenda against it….(weird huh?)
We see here in this video of things such as speed limits that the theory that slowing drivers down but implementing speed limits is just as you would to save a minority of a population even if it meant affecting a greater good. Some of you may be asking what could be more important than saving lives??? Well, you have forgotten that Memorial Day was just a couple days ago. Would you like to explain to me why we send countless lives to fight and die for a greater good? This is not about Memorial Day, but it is about not catering to those who may be blinding us from bettering societal norms based on something as simple as a speed limit. This is not a complete thought by any means, but I would love to have these discussions with others who were more versed in the relevant subjects. Economical, Business-related fields maybe?
The video explains the common misconceptions of speed limits and the effect they have on a population that is governed by speed. The common thought is simply put that slowing traffic under certain parameters will save lives. It does, but not by as much as you think.
If you watched this video, you may be asking ok, well what limit we should set for drivers to be safe on the road. Well let’s just say the video is 100% correct in it’s finding, and if people are going as fast as the want to anyway then, why set limits at all? Speed limit signs just become reminders when driving after someone is done with their makeup, grabbing for Mcdonalds on the floor, stop the baby from crying in the backseat, or even looking at their phone, all while going over the speed limit anyway. Looking an article from (safety.fhwa.dot.gov) we see the summary states:
“The exact relation between speed and crashes depends on many factors. However, in a general
sense the relation is very clear: if on a road the driven speeds become higher, the crash rate will also
increase. The crash rate is also higher for an individual vehicle that drives at higher speed than the
other traffic on that road. As speeds get higher, crashes also result in more serious injury, for the
driver who caused the crash as well as for the crash opponent. The injury severity of the vehicle
occupants in a crash, for example, is not only determined by the collision speed, but also by the mass
difference between the vehicles and by the vulnerability of the vehicles/road users who are involved.
In a crash between a light vehicle and a heavier one, the occupants of the lighter vehicle generally are
considerably worse off than the occupants of the heavier vehicle. Even more so this is the case for
pedestrians, cyclists and moped riders in crashes with (much) heavier motor vehicles.”
As interesting as this is, there is NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. Maybe tell everyone to slow down? hahaha do you remember CLICK IT OR TICKET?
“Massachusetts state Rep. Jeffrey Roy, who is sponsoring a primary enforcement bill in his state, said he understands some may feel it impinges on their individual rights, but he thinks it will motivate more people to wear seat belts, which will save lives.”
If you ever want to control a population then just say it is for their own good, or that it saves lives, and you’ll get enough people who don’t care to do their own research that comply.
In the video above we hear from The Great Milton Friedman. This argument stems from the question that should an auto maker be able to knowingly exclude parts that may make a vehicle more dangerous to the consumer? If you are going to ask that question, then you have to ask should people be allowed to purchase motorcycles? It is not as simple as what one company does is wrong when you put into perspective that the rights of the individual consumer to choose a vehicle that is safer based on what they deem a risk. Same as if I am to choose to travel by plane, car, or hitchhike. Give people the right to choose based on their own understanding of risks involved. Bangov Actual, out.
Ps. over 40 million speeding tickets are issued annually every year, with it being a 6 billion dollar revenue. Your safety has very little to do with making sure you are slowing down.