Focus on 1 thing, don’t get distracted. Move everything else that you know is not important aside. We all have talent. We all have this one thing that we are good at. Sometimes we choose to ignore it because we think that it will not be anything of importance to others. We are afraid of the time it takes to invest. A part of our lifetime gone and the unknowing of what will come if it. Will it bring us glory and riches? Or will it be what we feared and just be 20 years of our life that we dedicated to see fade away into nothing.
How many movies did you watch growing up where athletes spent their childhood learning how to play a sport then have it taken away by 1 stupid mistake. We are constantly taught as children to fear consequences of things without knowing. Don’t do this, no money in that. Parents who have never been there or done that. Who spent their lives afraid to dream of something more. I blame parents for everything because parents now think they have the right to blame the government for the safety, security, education and well-being for the responsibility of their own child.
Focus on 1 thing that your heart tells you to. Doing something you love is hard as it is if you do it for long enough. Doing something you don’t love is hardest when you realize at the end of your life that you should’ve done the thing that was in your heart but never took a shot at. You look at hugely successful companies and seeing the lefts and rights they had to take to become successful is quite a story.
Companies like YouTube, if you are not familiar with how they started. YouTube launched as a dating website. In the beginning they were even paying people $20 to post videos of themselves which eventually failed, but then people just liked posting videos of themselves. That is the direction that the company went, and as you can imagine it has turned out pretty well so far. (Article here)
Being afraid is what keeps you from moving forward. You must fight fear and doubt at all times. Your life depends on it. Bangov Actual, out.