Freedom is defined as: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint OR, absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government OR, the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. A few definitions for freedom. What amazes me is that people still now will bitch about slavery and what they think they are entitled to even though slavery has happened to every single race throughout human history. What’s more interesting is that slavery is not over, it is happening right now in multiple countries. Countries as close as Mexico. As free and prosperous as we are, our neighbors don’t understand the necessity of freedom to individuals in order for our species to thrive. As much as you like to claim to be a victim and choose to be one. There are those who do not have the luxury of being free. They are enslaved by the threat of force.
US Customs and Border Patrol states in 2016 that 40.3 million are in modern day slavery. As many as 24.9 million in forced labor and as many as 15.4 in forced marriage. Also 1 in 4 of modern-day slavery are children, but don’t worry it gets worse. Head on over to the FBI website and check out the postings on their website. These are happening every week if not sooner. Scroll down to human trafficking news and you will see what is posted just this year going on in the world of human trafficking.
- 03.28.2024 Human Smuggling Family Admits to More Than $2 Million Money Laundering Conspiracy
- 03.28.2024 Three Jamestown Residents Charged With Drug and Sex Trafficking Conspiracy
- 03.27.2024 Owner of Massage Parlors Offering Commercial Sex Federally Charged
- 03.19.2024 GirlsDoPorn Owner Michael Pratt Extradited to Face Sex Trafficking Charges
- 03.19.2024 Friend and Business Partner of GirlsDoPorn Owner Michael Pratt Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison
These are just the most recent that have been posted, it is happening every day. As credit to my earlier blogs this is the reason why I will bring up small community leadership. Talking with your neighbors about what is going on and being vigilant about how your community could be sheltering people who choose to do demonic things to others. Look carefully, don’t always be in a rush and maybe see something in your community that stands out.
With a few tips and tricks Bangov is dedicated to freedom for all who seek it. Bangov Actual, out.
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