Just remember the article I wrote on New York crime, as every news agency will tell you that crime is decreasing in New York and now they have the National Guard in the subways including state and local police. California reportedly has been steadily decreasing in California as well for the past decade. Maybe because of prop 47 that was passed in 2014 and that leniency of crimes makes them misdemeanors instead of felonies. This article states “People who are convicted of felonies can face difficulty in finding jobs or suitable housing. “ So already catering emotions to those who intend to commit felonies. Not saying if you’re 18 and you commit a felony it should mean your life is over. I would like to think that those who go through the legal system have more sound judgment and make better choices, but we all know that is not the case for everyone. That being your upbringing, gang affiliation, and need to survive.
Cater it however you would like, but if I am willing to admit that, then you cannot tell me that laws are unjust when it comes to someone not being held accountable if they commit a crime and the crime ends up killing someone that you love, or does something in order to inconvenience your life, say by destroying your business, “BUT YOU HAVE INSURANCE RIGHT?” Which is exactly why those with a lack of impulse control want you to think that if they come in to steal from you, or damage your business in any way that an insurance company will give you the intended profits that are loss for the day or week you have to close down for damages done.
If we are to look at the reasons for high crime in any state. It will vary and you will hear anything from Alaska being #1 in high crime because of remote cities having a hard time recruiting law enforcement personnel due to lack of budget or even being denied a sufficient budget to train new recruits. It being harder for law enforcement to intervene in criminal activity
A popular subject is always the gun debate. As well here at Bangov, strong 2nd Amendment advocates, but we are not even saying more guns, less crime. Simply because the stats may show it on one end, and then not show it. I will show this article specifically because this is to show you how stats can be applied in a very retarded way. A way for those who are anti gun tends to utilize one fact to skew truth to their political ideology. “In a 2015 study using data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard University reported that firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns versus those with the least.”(Scientific American article.) This helped the case to the anti gunners side. For those of you who are pro gun. According to American Gun Facts, “No shots were fired in 81.9% of those defensive use cases. 50.9% of the time, displaying the firearm was sufficient to scare off the attacker; 31% of the time, simply telling someone they were armed prevented the attack from taking place. Only 18.1% of the time was firing the gun required to defend their life.” That is a good thing considering no loss of life in most cases.
For those of you on the pro or anti gun side, the fact of the matter is everyday you are going to see reasons for or against the ownership of guns and it is what matters whether they should or should not be present. Bangov’s stance on the matter is that we as a society, community, all the way down to the household, have the discussion and solution for the issues for a wide variety of topics including guns and how we choose to solve these problems. More importantly to NEVER include the government in these types of situations or ask the government for solutions to problems they have no business being in. Remember that the constitution was written for the people in order for the citizens of this country to be able to fight against a tyrannical government. It is a precious document that pushes back on an over oppressive government in order to trample your rights as an individual. It is not racist, it is not even left or right. It ensures all of our freedoms, but only if we as a collective body are willing to fight for these rights. Think back to the 20th century, the government has the ability to turn its citizens on itself, and the result has been devastating for hundreds of millions of people who lost their lives to a government that deemed them a threat. Gun violence, Black crime, take your pick, it will never be solved by intervention from the government.
Bangov belief is that small community development will be a key factor in the reduction of crime and the simplification of security within communities. Simply put, we don’t talk to our neighbors anymore. Barely even make an effort to say hi, or let our kids play together. Not saying everyone has to be buddy buddy with each other, barbecues and block parties. Just a simple understanding that if someone comes through your neighborhood that you don’t recognize, first person to see the vehicle, get a license plate, make and model and send through the community feed. These are simple things that keep everyone in the loop, or aware that maybe a migration of crime is coming to a house near you. Parents who are serious about their children’s safety are going to do everything they can in order to make sure they have a system in place that magnifies the safety of the location that their children are in. At least I would hope so. Schools taking action in order to hire security in schools is not enough. “ On average, over one million home burglaries happen annually in the U.S. (Forbes Home)
Infuriates me when people think policy is going to somehow fix crime, or that means a certain individual is safer. Criminals do not pay attention to policy. They pay attention to the path of least resistance when looking at a home as an easy target. The same Forbes article states ” 60% of criminals would consider another target if a security system was present. Bangov is all for strong communities, but you have to take action before reacting and be one of those people who buys a gun after the fact that you have been robbed or had your house broken into. It is sort of a gun community joke. Be your own first responder, don’t let your family members be the one to clean up your corpse. Bangov Actual, out.
images by freepik.com
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