It always amazes me how you can be researching a topic of how New York city crime rates tend to be going down. Then fast forward another year and the National Guard is called in because of a spike in subway crimes. Just take a look for yourself. NYPD Crime Stats 2023 via Fox 5 New York states crime is down compared to 2022 but not by much. “Murders are down 11.9%, with 386 so far this year, as opposed to 438 murders in 2022. And rapes, burglaries and shootings have all seen double-digit percentage point decreases since 2022.” Sadly the same article reports an increase in assaults by 6.3% and a 15% increase in grand larceny. Stabbings and slashes are up just over 5% as of December of 2023.
To give a bit of a history lesson helps us understand how New York likes to deal with criminal charges. Bail reform went into effect Jan 1, 2020. The reform was “ ending the use of money bail and jail in most cases involving misdemeanors and lower-level felonies. It also obligated judges to impose the “least restrictive” conditions of release necessary to ensure a defendant’s return to court.” Low level felonies such as Class H felonies including embezzlement, larceny, obtaining property through false pretenses,, escaping state prison, assault by strangulation, hit and run resulting in injury. Class E non-violent, luring a child, criminally negligent homicide, rape in 3rd degree and abortion in 2nd degree. On top of that “clean slate law” that has been established in 12 different states, thus sealing criminal records making it difficult for people such as landlords and employers to be able to see these records. Misdemeanor crimes would be sealed after 3 and felonies after 8 years.
Forbes reported that Gov. Kathy Hochul “on Wednesday announced she was deploying a force of 1,000 law enforcement officials, including 750 National Guard members, and 250 state police and Metropolitan Transportation Authority officers, as part of a “five-point plan” to improve subway safety—the personnel started being seen in subway stations this week.” Of course some criticism from people as well commenting that the National Guard being in New York is just a “look tough on crime scheme” instead of fixing the problem. Amazing right, crime going down one day, then national guard the next because of a teenage girl being beaten, then a 62 year old man being pushed onto the tracks.
When we look at statistics of a given area and are able to determine that an area we live in is a relatively safe place to be. It can be an entire decade before we go back and look at the stats on how our community is doing in relation to crime and how safe we really are. This is not to fear monger, this is not to put up a sign and say that you need to go and tell your elected officials to do something because you really cannot expect them to have the answers. Bangov is about advocating your own self reliance. Cops take a minute to get to where you are. They have other cop shit to do. While it is impressive that police are able to respond to a wide variety of calls, when it comes to someone in your home, you need immediate support. Whether it be a gun, knife, or just a safe place to hide.
Problem is, not everyone is equipped in the home to hide from violent offenders. Not everyone has a bomb shelter they can lock from the inside till the police arrive. You are asleep in your beds and the attackers have the upper hand. According to, average police response time is about 10 min. From the time you are on call with an operator to the time they arrive on scene. It is up to you to be able to defend yourself till help arrives. CNN reported a 911 dispatcher telling a woman to do whatever you need to to defend your baby. Sometimes police can’t get there on time, not their fault, just how the system works.
I don’t live in New York, so I can’t tell you whether crime is bad or good. I have lived enough places where there are places you want to be and places you should stay away from. To believe in the system and the illusion that it is going to keep you safe is like telling everyone who has ever been a victim of a violent crime that the system just couldn’t get there in time. Learn to be vigilant, don’t walk around with headphones, transitional spaces, like from your work to the car can be some of the most dangerous places you can be in. Avoid empty parking lots, if you have security utilize them to walk you to your car. Stay away from dark alleys. If you feel like someone is following you, find a crowded place and find a police officer, or nearby security. Simple shit in order to keep you safe. The key to this is realizing that you must be your own first responder. Nobody is coming to help you in the time you need to be saved. You must do everything necessary in order to protect yourself. Idiots will tell you “I should be able to wear headphones and walk home alone.” Let natural selection sort them out. DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN DANGEROUS SITUATIONS. Bangov Actual out.