Watching a guy walk down the streets of downtown and blatantly pick up a garbage bag that was not his, take all contents out of the bag looking for things of use and discarding what was not used on the side of the street. When I tell you I had some bad thoughts, I mean Dahmer thoughts. I see people doing some things to where they become the lowest piece of existence on this planet. Mostly it is those of the poor mentality. Not sure if he was homeless, not sure if he just liked making messes, but man did he grind my gear, chap my ass, lead me to believe that the world would be better off without his existence. I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, relax. I’m just saying he is a piece of shit and I hope he tripped walking up the street.
That being said this is not a climate change BS rant. My thought is that the climate is always changing, but those usually leading the charge in this argument would rather see economies fail and chaos erupt to save the whales. Climate change “activists” are one oil spill away from lighting themselves on fire, like the guy who yelled “free Palestine” after he lit himself on fire. Pretty gruesome video, probably better left to the imagination. I highly suggest for those who advocate for something, know the difference between activism, which is defined as: efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society towards a perceived greater good. Anarchy is defined as:
The state of a society being without authorities or a governing body.
- Anarchism; the political theory that a community is best organized by the voluntary cooperation of individuals, rather than by a government, which is regarded as being coercive by nature.
- A chaotic and confusing absence of any form of political authority or government.
Of course you have the Just Stop Oil idiots who pretend they are for a cause and do the exact opposite by making it harder for lives of those people that you’d probably need on your side in order to commit to real change and aid in progression you seek. So stop sitting in front of cars and blocking traffic, because as funny as it is seeing you get your ass dragged across the street, you are doing nothing in which you have so much passion for. Or maybe you just like getting your ass kicked and don’t really care about picking up trash or cleaning up our seas. If you’re to visit Just Stop Oil, first you come to their plan. “Our Government doesn’t give a fuck about it’s responsibilities”……Ok, well government is not really defined as having responsibilities to the people, at least that is not how it is defined. Govern is defined as:
- To make and administer the public policy and affairs of (a state, for example); exercise sovereign authority over.
- To control the speed or magnitude of; regulate.
- To control the actions or behavior of.
I digress, let’s just say I am with you on the whole doesn’t give a fuck about responsibilities topic. Then it goes on to talk about needing bold action. By that action they mean throwing orange paint on a private jet. Probably belonging to someone that could help with your cause. Then it says “we can’t do this alone”, which I’m sure you can see the hypocrisy. If the entirety of your solution is to inconvenience people then you are going to have a lot of angry people who won’t support you in any way. This is what annoys me about activism, the majority of protests I have ever seen, are not based on a solution. It is just give me what I want or we will make your lives a living hell. We’ll throw soup on million dollar paintings ruining historical artifacts, we’ll throw paint up in the air and ruin sporting events.
An article in Forbes shows us just what it means to really push for change in the world. Brandon University “in Manitoba, Canada, has found that waxworms, which normally live in beehives and eat wax, also can survive on polyethylene—the kind of plastic used in shopping bags and elsewhere.” It was reported that 60 waxworms were able to eat 30cm of a plastic bag in a matter of a week. Now that may seem like a small win for these little guys, but it is lightyears ahead of people who tend to think that standing in the road and bullying others will inspire change. It is the equivalent of screaming in someone else’s face to have an answer for a solution you lack the mental capacity to fix. Mindless drones ability to follow orders that take no discipline or no amount of effort to achieve a solution. Further in the same article it explains how not only are the waxworms able to eat the plastic bag, but as well their bodies gut bacteria have the effect of efficient breakdown of the plastic.
Just Stop Oil has the potential to be an influence for good. For positive change, but it is not in their best interest to make other people feel to blame for what they cannot change. It is the equivalency of yelling at a plumber for not being able to fix your electrical problems. It is bad enough that an organization blaming its problems on everyone else tends to never have a solution for what they believe in. Bangov Actual, out.
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This is the opposite of progress