Watching a city destroy itself is never fun. Well sometimes it is when you think, “hey maybe if they learn from this and realize how bad it is then maybe they will change their ways and vote differently next time.” Can only hope, but the problem with that is it takes years. It is not an overnight thing and what is worse, is people tend to forget a lot of things. Someone like you or I who pays attention to how politicians think, may be more of an informed voter. Problem is you can never really be sure of how many people are going to vote your way, or how many people are reading the same way you are. With all the information that is out there, you’re going to run into things that you must fact check for yourself. Again the problem is time. You can have all the facts in somebody’s face, but unless they are willing to take the time and listen, or even admit they have been wrong. It is going to fall on deaf ears. Anyway you want to look at this, being pro Trump or not, I just invite you to take the time and keep reading.
If you look and see how the Trump cases are going, you would be right to be upset. I mean the guy has 4 indictments and 91 criminal charges against him. Those being classified documents, hush money, federal election interference, and Georgia election interference. The criminal charges all have to do with a combination of fraud within business dealing(even though nobody lost any money.) Falsifying business records, Fani Willis(even though she stole money.) The New Republic reports that Willis was in a relationship with a man whom she hired as a special prosecutor, and her office had paid an amount of $650,000 to help build an anti trump case. The 2 were reported taking international trips alluding to the thought of payment from Willis office to be her own financial gain.
What is probably the most important part of this whole case, and for people to understand is that quoted from US News, “Notably, New York’s anti-fraud statute, known as Executive Law 63(12), is clear that a finding of fraud does not require intent to deceive or that anyone actually gets duped or loses money. The attorney general must only show “repeated fraudulent or illegal acts.” Also in the same article it goes on to note that this is not the first time Trump has had to deal with New York’s anti-fraud law. Between the Trump Foundation closing in 2018 over allegations of misused funds, and Trump University being sued in accordance that students had “false promises of success,” (WTF does that mean?) Whether that is a slam dunk? Is this multiple fraudulent acts? Does it need to be the same business? I don’t know, but it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks.
As for Trumps crazy $454 million dollar penalty. Understand that this article I am sharing from the New York Times is just stating the facts of some of his legal obligations. The title is fake news considering Alina Habba, Trumps attorney goes on Fox News to say that only a handful of financial institutions that can get approval from the treasury department for bonds amounting in the millions of dollars, she states 100 million dollar max. It is a mess, and just to clarify I am not saying he is guilty, that is all being figured out as we speak, this is for those who may just be tuning in to the amount of stuff that is being put on the Trump plate right now and what he is up against coming into the 2024 election.
What blows my mind is a guy who is being convicted of withholding confidential documents at his home, which he was, but also so was Biden. This does not even compare to the blatant disregard for the law as POTUS. Byron Donalds during a house oversight committee hearing exposes the Biden family paper trail of WhatsApp messages and bank statements between Owasco Pc and CEFC (Chinese Evangelical Free Church.) (Video at the bottom of blog) Now knowing this, is America supposed to be outraged(probably), but the issue that I think many Americans are worried about is that Hunter, nor Joe Biden will never see the inside of a jail cell. The American people after this have lost all faith in the justice system. Not saying they ever really had it to begin with, but things like this are why others resort to means of violence, and criminal activity.
Back to my original point. Watching a city destroy itself is never fun. Maybe when you don’t live there, you can chuckle about why you chose to never live in New York. It saddens because it is still America. What can happen there is sure to be an example that corruption will spread and have no recourse or legal justice. Justice becomes just another fallacy. The damage people have seen with their own eyes will never be undone. America, as strong as it is, is only as strong as the will of the people. When that trust is broken, it becomes a mob mentality.
Millionaires and billionaires have already voiced their disgust during the Trump trials. Kevin O’leary called New York a loser state, and that he will never do business here, “this is an attack on America.” Or Grant Cardone of Cardone Capital stating he is pulling their teams from New York post Trump Verdict. It is going to get worse before it gets better. Can only hope the people of New York know how to respond in order to come back from financial devastation. Bangov Actual, out.
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