When you have content, it is the wheel that you must keep in motion. It is what “motivation” is all about. If you have read along in the past, you hear me talk about motivation being a lie. Yes it is, I will say it again because it is your content that you need to focus on. Giving your audience something to come back to your site. Don’t forget that you have a product, it may be writing, maybe your voice in singing. It may just be something you build with your hands. The day to day effort you put in to giving your audiences eyeballs something to watch will be the thing that motivation feeds off of. You must create before you become motivated. If everything is in your head then it might as well just stay the dream and never be a reality. Writing it down brings it from the 1 dimensional to the 2.
1 dimensional is defined as: having only one dimension and therefore showing only linear information such as length or width or height. This in your head is where you are now and seeing where you would like to be. It is a dream. Visualize yes, but do not forget to bring it to the 2 dimensional, which is defined as: a flat figure or a shape that has two dimensions —length and width. WRITE IT DOWN. Show it to yourself, see how it can become reality and not just in your head. This is where you ask for help.
The 3rd dimensional step is defined as: the three spatial dimensions of width, height and depth. The physical world and everything that is observed in it are three dimensional. This is your vision, your dream comes to life. Could be a prototype of something you made, could be you selling yourself. The point is to not keep everything inside in order for thoughts and ideas to never be seen.
Bring your vision to life. The worst thing I can think of is a person giving up on themselves before they even get 1 reaction to what they are talking about. They have never had a dialogue about what they are trying to create. So they give up on themselves in order to save embarrassment. I played a game one day. On a Monday I went through the day and was going to write everyday and be able to post everyday. I counted how many times my mind told me not to start writing. My excuses were: I’m tired, hungry, mad, sad, had to be somewhere, had to make a call, or just plain I don’t have an idea right now. Before I was willing to try I had already given up. I quit 300 times before I stopped and realized that I was just making the excuse to not do something. I don’t want to write everyday, of course, it is work. I do love seeing you guys comment on my writing and my ideas get feedback, or they are told they just plain suck. That is ok though.
Ask 100 people why they say they don’t like my content. You will find about 95 mumbling idiots who can’t articulate a point. It is a feeling to them, an emotion they have never deduced for themselves. Deduce is defined as: arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion. So I made time everyday to write whatever was on my mind. Immediately when I was done writing something that I enjoyed, I erased it. You may be thinking “Why would you do that? You just told us to write it down and share it with the world.”
Confidence is defined as: the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. OR the state of feeling certain about the truth of something. OR a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities. To test yourself on your own abilities never gets old. It is amazing to be able to show yourself what you can do. You’re only going to get better with time and practice. Practice, be persistent and progress. So keep it going, getting faster, or more efficient and also developing a discipline within your craft. It is how you choose to express yourself, commit to being the best. Bangov Actual, out.
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