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Become Inevitable

Comes a time when your comfort zone will have to be stepped out of. Even if it was not the intended plan. Having self confidence is extremely important in this fact that when you get the thought of “maybe this is not for me, maybe I am not good enough, maybe I should stay at my job where I am safe?” Understand the easiest time to quit in a marathon is within the first five minutes. That is when all that quit talk starts in your mind. Starts to build until about the first sweat. Then after that you’re in fuck it mode, LET’S GO!!! Now you’re in it, now you’ve pushed back against all that is saying no in you and say yes. Say yes because every part of you that wants to quit and go back to your safe space will say no. You’re the only one you should be concerned about because how you treat yourself reflects on how you treat others. Teach others by teaching yourself, not to quit, to say yes I am doing this. Don’t always worry about the coming in first part. Just do things in order to get the experience. Failing is such a trigger word for people so I’m going to bring it back. Fail in a way that puts you closer to your goals. Fail in a way that you know this is or is not the path you intend to make your life’s pursuit. When you find it, and you know it is what you were meant to do then failing becomes inevitable while you change the game itself. Then you have manifested a world all your own. Very important to fail because most are not even trying. Just spectators in life, just waiting for life to come to them. That is not a BanGov mentality. Wake up and go through the motions, and stop thinking your body is going to break. All I can say is I want to work til I die. Whatever that means, death is the only way out of life, so while I am here, I will be inevitable.


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Is she too “Expensive.” Or are you just too broke?

Now Ladies I will get to you in a min, but Gentleman, just as I am driving through the city I see waiting across the stop light, a fucking bombshell of a woman. I mean 5’9″ Forever 21 faux suede knee boots, ladies only $31.49 at the time of this post, check them out now!. Woven poncho with nicely done hair, fresh set of nails, and my goodness a caramel latte tan face. Needless to say this woman looked, MUH DAYUMM! Good. That being said it gets a man thinking that is his perception of her that he doesn’t approach? Maybe she looks too good that it fends off fuck boys with loud cars with no negotiable social skills in order to approach a woman of this caliber?? I have heard men say they don’t want a woman that they think is too expensive. Which OK Gents I don’t want a woman spending all my money either….BUT, did any of those men ever think to ask if a woman has money of her own? I BET YOU NOT!!! Now I am not saying gold digging whores is not a thing. So are men looking for sugar mommas. Hell I would take one in a heart beat, Info@ban-gov.com, hahahaha. Ok but ladies I want to know what happens when you see a man of a certain caliber. Well dressed, strong jawline, well groomed and you know that motha, fucka, packin, and could do some damage in the sheets. Ladies is too much for you really too much? You see a Rolex on his hand are you like oh shit, and does it scare you or does it entice you to move forward? Think of what you’re worth in this world. Are you willing to rise to the occasion of asking a man or woman who may be of a certain caliber above where you are? Why not, maybe you would learn something from the way they think, or who they are, maybe they don’t have money, maybe it’s costume jewelry, maybe she wearing extensions. Be very careful with how you perceive the individual, what does that say about someone you may even be with right now? Did you fall into a trap of who they were when you first met them? Have you seen a deeper side to them that may even bring you closer?…Dig deeper folks, keep digging because that is the only way you get all you can out of life/love and you’re own pursuits ESPECIALLY the one you intend to spend the rest of your life with. BanGov Actual, out!




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What Is Your Perception Of Reality?

If perception is reality, then create your own perception. I was asked why I like to work. Purpose is a reason to get up in the morning. It’s why people get up at 5. It is why I will eat once a day. Some days I won’t eat at all because some days I don’t even think I am hungry. I am just hungry for purpose in my life. I’m in pursuit of a purpose and to want it so bad that any obstacles in my way are inevitable on the road to my success. This may sound preachy but fuck it, you’re in my world now BITCH!!. Seriously though take a min, or take a day, or 2 even to look at your life now and realize if it is what you want, and does it justify how hard you have been working. If not, maybe it is time to start looking at your life differently. Maybe even start looking at your life at what it could be if you applied the same hard effort to that thing you’ve been putting off for so many years. I know it’s there. You’re just reading this so don’t think you’re going to lie to me. You’re in your room, so again look around, and think is this what you want? If not then know you’re worth something more. You just have to believe it. I will prove it to you. Ever not bought something because you thought it was too “expensive.” Is that the case or are you just not willing to work hard enough. You wouldn’t buy that dress, purse, watch, car, truck, accessory or whatever the fuck because it was maybe, $50 more expensive? 100, 200, dollars more? Well why wouldn’t you just wait another paycheck and get what you want instead of just wanting something now. You’re lazy!!! If you did spend that extra $200. Did that mean you would starve for a month, or did it just scare you to buy it without even weighing the consequences. See what I mean, that’s the power of fear as it is perceived in the mind. Start telling yourself I can afford this and you will bend the reality of what is affordable in ways you never thought possible. You either wait another paycheck for the most expensive thing. Or buy now and spend the next month working an extra shift, or doing a side hustle knowing it would take care of it. Only question to ask when knowing what you want in life is, “How hard are you willing to work?” When you figure that out, you’ll manifest your potential. Bangov Actual, out.