Biden will go down as the worst US President in history. The lack of doing your job to secure the border, all time high inflation, and my personal favorite, more expenses for working families. Obama would have gone down as the worst US President in history, but he actually was coherent in his abilities to speak to the people even if it was all bullshit.
Thomas Sowell does a wonderful job on targeting the atrocities that Obama endorsed as spending 8 years in office was a success in eroding the values of American life.
My favorite part of this interview is Thomas Sowell explaining in which Obama’s background being misinterpreted by so many as means for a prosperous community, or even helpful to the community around him. This is said by Thomas Sowell in the video above at 2:45-3:10.
Talking about a failed Presidency I know may strike some as infuriating, or may be means to call me racist, but that is not it at all. When you are able to comb through even his top 50 achievements, you will come to see that as POTUS he really didn’t accomplish as much as you would like to see as a man in charge of over 300 million people. For example, you will see in the article I mentioned of his top 50 accomplishments.
Right off the bat we’ll look at healthcare. Was it initiated, yes, but with the intention of being more affordable than what people previously had. Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act was initiated in March of 2010. According to
“In fact, Obamacare was largely written by the insurance industry. Simple solutions to making health insurance more affordable, like allowing for Americans to window shop for the best priced policies by going outside their states were completely ignored in favor of a policy that forced millions of Americans to pay higher premiums and possibly lose access to their preferred physicians. “
Secondly if you look at such “accomplishments” like repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell,” Boosted Fuel efficiency standards, diversified federal bureaucracy, which is just another way to say he used affirmative action to give high ranking positions to people of color even though they may not be qualified for the job, or maybe someone more qualified was rejected based on the color of their skin. Gave FDA power to regulate tobacco, passed credit card reforms. Cut the national deficit, which he did not do. All these are just a handful of give people what they want so they will vote for you again.
POTUS is not meant to just hand out free money or say ok to everyone who is bad with their money. We pay taxes to the people who are bad with money, you think we would learn this by now but especially in the decline of our education system, civics is not really a hot topic unless it is meant to push our children towards “inclusion” or “diversity” or being tolerant of people who are out of their minds.
So, what is more to say about a man who his entire 8 years as president was speaking not to improve the economy, and I don’t mean employment. Trump had 3.5% unemployment before Covid hit. That is a political stunt, just like saying you will give everyone free stuff. More jobs are a way of dumbing down economic promises to people who don’t know any better.
Perfect example of him having to dumb down speech for the majority of listeners.
“First, the government should seek to avoid interfering in economic affairs to allow the forces of competition and innovation to increase the size of the social pie from which everyone can benefit. Second, the government should focus its exercise of national power on defending the nation and its allies from aggression. Obama inverts these key relationships—a fundamental mistake. He is all too willing to use coercion in domestic economic affairs against disfavored groups, and all too reluctant to use it against sworn enemies of the United States and its allies.” (
Bangov Actual, out.