Day: March 15, 2023

News, Status

Don’t Claim Victim To Failure

Just remember everyone is under the impression they are an expert at something when they read something that they are passionate about. They read something that agrees with their point of view, so in their mind they have already made up their mind on the matter or subject. To question it, you may be labeled by them as misinformed or not informed enough on the subject. My question to them is, always how much do they care about what they are advocating about? Have they invested in it? Or are they just the one yelling on the side of the street holding a sign saying what they want to happen. Protesting does not always mean that you care about the intended subject that you are roaring about. You could be pulled in by your social gathering or people you surround yourself with. 


By the time you realize that you have been lied to or forced by those you call your friends. May be too late for you to go back and think about the actions leading to you being in trouble for someone else’s belief system. It’s not hard to be shouted into compliance. Especially if you have never been shouted at in the first place. Growing up in a “safe space environment.” Nobody ever challenges you. Your parents passively raise you as you walk all over them in search of a purpose for yourself. You lack social skills, so you fall prey to those who can spin bullshit into something of meaning for you to follow. 


You’ve become a slave. Just someone in search of purpose, with no structure, and surrounded by people who don’t care anything about you. Just of the cause that they have fallen for by their slave owners. You end up even more miserable than them because at least they have established some measure of dominance over you. This fake hierarchy where unless you have a younger audience that you have poisoned their mind into the same belief system then maybe you feel as if you have gained the respect of young minds who just don’t know any better and those are the only ones who will listen to you. Earning respect and demanding it are very different things. 


Respect is defined as: Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities and achievements. For someone who has never really achieved anything, but has only been able to corrupt the minds of someone vulnerable to interpretation. We must see ourselves as better. As individuals who are in charge of our own pursuits may experience failure. We must remember not to take the easy way out and think that just because we have failed, we should not go the way of making everyone else around us just as miserable, and calling it an achievement. Bangov Actual,out.