Day: February 14, 2022

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Live In Fear, You May End Up Liking It

What is it people want at the gym? Well what do you want? Then go to every other person at the gym and ask what they want. How many different answers do you think you will get? People go to the gym, grocery store, and the same schools. We all have a choice in life to be where everyone else is. This is someone you admire, or even think you would like to have their life for a day. You think it’s so great, grass is greener on the other side kind of bullshit. You know everything about them. Where they live, job, what kind of dog they have, you are them for a day and in the end you’re still not happy because you haven’t really been able to choose anything for yourself. We idolize others for what they have done, what they have and even what you want to have. Well tough, guess what they have put in the work and you have not. Stop comparing yourself to others that are more “successful” than you. Success and fame are interesting concepts, when you think, success is defined as: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, fame on the other hand is defined as: the state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements. So who gets to decide notable achievements? As well not everyone likes who you like, nobody is held to the same standard as everyone else because nobody knows who everyone is. This may seem like a ramble but if you continuously chase the by-product of fame, that means skipping hard work in order to achieve success, you will always be one that has dreams, but never does anything to achieve them. Stuck in limbo, daydreaming and building a fake persona of who you are based on what you feel and not by what you’ve done. I’m not saying don’t dream, dream all you can, but you must have a plan of action or at least get wheels in motion. Having a dream and chasing them are very different feelings. Investing time and money will be one of many challenges, but the start is probably your most important. To persist, I can only tell you what I have done to keep going is find something you believe in hard enough, doubts will come so frequent, it will be like being numb all the time. Doubts are a part of our innate being to not make bold or take risks. Then again, what kind of life has that been in the past? Bangov Actual, out.