Expectations are only that which are communicated to each other. Job, transaction, parenting, friendships, EVEN SEX, is a negotiated relationship between individuals. I know I have been consistent with relationships between others, but these relationships are very important. Think of creating anything with no help. A business, product, or service, anything you do in order to market yourself, your social skills must improve, saying hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, shaking hands looking them in the eye, genuine acts of benevolence. Benevolence is defined as:the quality of being well meaning; kindness. The more genuine you are, which is why I try to be as definitive in who I present to others, being myself. The more I have realized others willingness to engage and be inclusive in conceptualizing. Conceptualizing is defined as: form a concept or idea of something. Be mindful that people are always about “good vibes,” or about being involved with those who encourage growth in how they want to identify. Don’t worry always about liking everyone, sometimes you may just need to be colleagues in order to get the job done. I remember through all my past jobs, those I worked best with were those whose sole focus was the job. Nothing more, they just wanted to do their work and go home. For as long as I can remember work has been the pass time off everything. Work, then rest, work then pray, work then eat, work then, eat, drink or sleep. Work is the inevitability that we must all get used to. Work as well is what we as people do in order to enjoy what has been gained from work. Those who choose to not work and think that they deserve more than those who do are entitled and these words are not for you. Bangov, is for those who work, like to work and instill work ethic in their children. Work is my life’s work and I can only hope that I can inspire those who read to make the changes necessary in order for your plans to come to fruition. Bangov Actual, out.