Customer service should be a class. No test, the only test is life. Seen some shit customer service in the past few weeks. See how you are with others, and let that transfer to your professional life, and see how far that gets you. Seen servers role their eyes for questions pertaining to their job. Gotten, just “I don’t know, and I don’t care attitude. Customer service has to be a priority when not only creating yourself, but a business, I myself have told a customer off but only when they are disrespectful. I do not mean they say anything demeaning, or they even insult you or your company, but at the point of threatening when they do not get what they want. Be mindful only in circumstances where there is threat of a physical altercation do you put your hands on someone. That goes for just life in general. That is one side of the spectrum. I am talking about keeping your cool when a customer is flat out screaming at you. To be put in these situations I want you to think to yourself, have I really done anything to upset this person. Of course not but always in the back of your mind I can probably do something to make them happy. Deescalating the situation before hand is all it takes when dealing with someone that is upset about how they feel they are being treated. Reassurance goes a long way, as well an explanation is always a way to get you talking and them to calm down. I know what you’re thinking, what if they insult you, they call you an idiot, they go after character, IT.DOES.NOT.MATTER. This can be utilized in a good way. Someone offended, or insulted you, understand if you’re working at a place where a manager is called that does not stand up for you, WORK SOMEWHERE ELSE. Company culture will define how you go about this, some cultures I’ve seen take it and it is not good for business. You cannot help everyone, and a company must be respectful of it’s employees. Of course unless that employee is in the wrong. Customer service is about giving the right impression even before the problem starts and a company that is able to fix a multitude of problems has a very strong history of repeat customers. Customer service takes away the customers notion that they are doing business with a company. You want it to be more personal, so make sure they know they are doing business with you. Sell yourself and the customer will develop a sense of trust in what you say. Which are very important to you especially if they work on commission. When people are treated In a certain way and shown a level of competence above others they are sure to return. Of course you will have bad days but just like anything else, it all is going to start with you and how you want to face the day. Can either be a good or bad day, choice is yours. BanGov Actual, out.
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